Monday, October 26, 2009


Well, today started off well. I was able to eat the scrambled eggs without getting ill. I sometimes have a hard time with that. I think I have too much stomach acid in the morning. I do better with crunchy carbs. Anywhoo, off to work I went. I was very hungry for my snack and took a l o n g time to eat my lunch. I was able to eat 3/4 of the chicken which is MAJOR and almost all the lettuce-of course keeping it all down is key and I did. I then went into the meeting and filled my plate so as not to get harassed by the person in charge of food. I threw away the sandwiched when she turned her back and managed to eat only water and almonds. But, I could NOT resist the sugar cookie. I was only going to eat half but before I knew it, it was almost gone. Let me find reason to celebrate. I did not take home a plate of cookies like others and I did only have one. I am going to enjoy my snack before dinner and then enjoy our first sit down dinner in a while. Since almost everything is prepared-easy!!
Night is challenging because my sweetie and I typically graze in the bedroom while watching TV after the boy is in bed. I have plenty of projects to address and of course I could use some sleep!

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