Tuesday, October 27, 2009

At the end

My rope that is....
I am TIRED. I picked up the boy at school at 4:00 and it is now 15 minutes until 9:00. I have been on my feet the entire time. Not to mention the regular work day. I have been chopping, cooking or cleaning up kitchen mess that entire time minus our dinner together. I know next round I will have a better understanding of what needs to be done. If I knew then... I would have bought even more produce and I would have chopped my heart out on Sunday. I spent a bit of time prepping dinner for tonight and the cooking it. After we ate (together and slowly and then had our wonderful man of the house open his birthday presents) I then cleaned (with help) and started all over again on our two lunches. Wha Wha Wha
Enough pity party
Today's food was not my favorite. I was leery of the peanut butter and did not put enough on the toast. They boy is enjoying both or at least one of us sitting down to have breakfast in the am. He did confess that he ate breakfast again at school (biscuit, yogurt and chocolate milk). He tried celery and peanut butter at lunch with his sandwich and didn't care for it. I added a boiled egg to my salad (I was craving it). I forgot my dressing and tried to do a lemon and olive oil dressing but I just lost the love for the salad (I just started eating lettuce this year. Before that I NEVER ate lettuce) three meals in two days have been salad so I was done. I ate enough to be satisfied and then later had to throw it up (gastroplasty). It was just not going to stay down. I probably rushed while eating.
I have a headache, I am exhausted and am irritable. Must go have some mindless TV time.
Am also overwhelmed with things to do outside of work this week. Tomorrow-cupcakes for the boys' class, wrap presents for the boys' surprise party, load in car, make Halloween treats for office staff, finalize all laundry for trips and pack for the boy. Thursday, rendezvous for the boys party in Conroe and then leave boy with grandparents. Go home and pack. Friday, leave for San Antonio for wedding/husbands "relaxation" trip. We have not talked about how to handle food. I think we can travel without going wild but I am unsure how we will do the plan as outlined in the book. Ideas?
The husband has asked that I report that today he was served key lime pie (his favorite) and brought a birthday cake and he had none of either. He is SO proud of himself and so am I.

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