Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I the Husband.....

So last report was 362 and tonight 365. So here is what has happened over the last couple of weeks. So forgot to take my IBS medicine a Tuesday morning, better known by me as "the Sand". It literally will not dissolve in anything but apple sauce. So felt okay all day and by nightfall I was starting to feel the nausea and discomfort. By midnight it was in full explosion; immediately I remember last month when the same thing happened and I ended up in the ER with no vision, sweat drenching my shirt and blood pressure of 50/13. Was told by the doctor to eat chicken soup and pedialyte only for 3 days. He also increased the Lomitrol from 2 pills to 6 a day if needed. Well eating soup for me has always been like not eating at all. I honestly think soup increases my appetite. All I can think while eating soup is I'm eating water and how deprived I am going to feel afterwards. So anyway; initially because of the diarrhea and horrible stomach pains that accompany IBS, I dropped to 355 in those first few days. By the time things were getting better on Sunday I had gone back up to 368. Then came Turkey Day! Because work is slow and being the Finance guy and I made the entire company take all their vacation time so the company could accrue less expenses at end of the year; I myself had just about the entire Thanksgiving week off. So out of my routine. Good news is I maintained the weight and did not go up. We did our best during the time at the inlaws. Breakfast was easy. Closed my eyes and told myself it was a mirage I was smelling; it was not really hot bisquits, pork sausage patties with butter and jelly. So like the wife said, we watched what food was presented for everyone else and tried to add better choices for our family. The main Thanksgiving lunch came. I served my plate with turkey first; tried to put more turkey than a normal portion thinking that if I filled up eating more turkey that was better than eating other stuff that was less healthy. So I passed on the cream corn; although the entire family is from the "country" and were literally moaning and bragging on how good the corn was. Passing the corn around time after time insisting everyone have some of that good corn. This was my biggest success over Thanksgiving; not only was Mechiel's family loving and bragging on the corn but I am from a cajun family who also loves corn although they cook it completely different. All I could think as I looked into the bowl bright yellow gook, was BAD CORN! BAD CORN!
However I did serve myself dressing and cranberry sauce. It was really good. I avoided the ham at this meal. I resisted the white flour yeast rolls for almost the entire meal. At the last minute I grabbed one and enjoyed it. It got harder the second and third day to stay away from the ham and other choices. So I lost an extreme amount of weight during the four days or so I was sick then put that same weight and a little more back on. During Thanksgiving things stabilized which I consider a success. Now back home after Thanksgiving and back into the routine, the weight has come down from Sunday of 368 to 365. Okay even more success here is after two major hurdles; 1.) getting that sickness and having to eat differently; 2.) a holiday away from home surrounded by others eating the bad choices; the minute I got back home we got back into the better routine without hesitation, not begrundingly; but the wife and I both anxious to get back on the program; there was not the usual fat devil sitting on your shoulder telling me to give up; you had a few bad days or weeks; give up and give in to the old ways of eating. There was never a doubt we would be back on a tight program and looking forward to doing what was right and shunning the bad habits and less healthy eating. That is a true miracle and huge success for an overweight person. The ease with which an obese person gives up on the program and themselves is scary. We have no history of success, we have no real faith in our abilities to stick and be strong; and as a result we overwhelmed and incapable of getting back on track. Not any more, this program gives you quick, simple success and is just as simple and easy to get back on after a holiday or sickness as examples.

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